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4EYEZ - d-Fonque - Mingle (another soul)


New KP track
needs post-production for sure!
Also needs vocals between the choruses..

I'm curious about your thoughts on this one..





Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Ow yea! Again, some chill (deephouse)...Calm & Relaxing tune suited for a loungebar... Me fancies!! Grtz

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

nice tune,but the rhodes chords are too much present;so the the vocals would be louder(depht)

one of your better tracks in my opinion,now its good without the spice

chilly(no spice) song,may be try a sax,to refine it,just a idea


4EYEZ [be] - 19 years ago

rhodes are a bit forte actually..
good call..

and a friend will probably freestyle some distorted guitar solo in the end.. {as saxplayers aren't too common in these here parts ;-) }

eddie [be] - 19 years ago

a bit monotonous, but catchy... nice production!

EddieMorlingus [be] - 19 years ago

nice improvement with the first edit!!! keep on rocking 4EYEZ style

mrMute [be] - 18 years ago

great, good vocals and nice atmosfere.