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4EYEZ - d-Fonque - Free Fallin' (1st edit)


A kinda deep house tune
MIXED IN REAL TIME... so its very messy!

still needs some variation and a different ending..

I m pretty content about it tho...





cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

well,its my kinda of taste,when it comes to chilly productions;

yep!! soundshaping should be changed!!!

and a nice black lady singin along

i luved the solo,but sound can be better,much better;

and dont try to filter all the good freq out of those piano's,or use the filter as send on fx channel(if you work with sx),so you can equilize what comes out of the filter;

anyways,laid'back tune,i enjoyed the essence of it,greetz

EddieMorlingus [be] - 19 years ago

nice guitarlike stuff going on here!

4EYEZ [be] - 19 years ago

thx guys,
the track has potential, I'm sure, but I'm not quite there yet.

I'm feeling the idea about the solo, but 4 now i don't seem to find the way to make it sound exactly as it should...
and the black diva, you knows i need her for several of my tracks, but they seem to be scarce in these parts...

Eddie, keepin it real bro...

GBS [be] - 19 years ago

the whole idea is great!!! just nice-but i really like FAT sounds not this refined-this is still quite little-but that's not negative-really the right stuff!!!

misstrohan [be] - 19 years ago

some chilly house, nice to listen...

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Excellent Tune! My kinda house!! + fav!! Keep 'em comming!

4EYEZ [be] - 19 years ago

I sure will, Mr. Funky!
KP demo on the way...soon
