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komluv - Converta




cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

my main consurne is with you,that i think you try to eq to much;

eq is a dangerous thing sometimes,

if wanted,try to cut frequincies,instead of ading them;

to the point,the snare sound,is again very harsh,present,hearable;

for the song,construction and detail,satisfies me,i hear much sweaty hours,effort;

good angry melody,very good percusion changes along with it,wich i find very important in techno;

project suxessfull to me,and a fav cant do harm,your motivation and my collection,lol;

ahaaaa,and a fukn stupid detail,while thinkin my last sentence,i've seen you post your mp3 in 128 kb/sec,lol

very simple solution,to your warmth problem-snare cheapness;

post it in 190kb,doesn't harm to try;

i think ,you'll never compared the wave-mp3 result;

its all about details,favs will flow,lol

ale',de leute

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

I love the sound! It reminds me, as you said, a little bit of Umek... ;) Sreally nice, but i will leave out the effect (i guess it's a flanger) and change more often (more climax of differences during the track)
Keep up the good work
'a techno dj'

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

dees ook!