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ZARk - Out From the Cold
Out from the cold, Side ALayed out between the cold of fm and the warmth of analog.
where rythms shift and melodies evolve.
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liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago
It sure kept my interest, (the first 6' I tried to catch up some sleep - white night with the youngest) then after 9' a more threatening sound comes in, rythm falls, it's more cinematic, darker sounds, polar nights (but not freezing enough, not high enough sounds) and now I notice a problem, a new sound comes in, i want to have a look what songtime it is but my comment window cannot be moved so i can't read time... don't want to start all over…
must be round 18’… polar night gets freezing cold now (copy/pasted message anyway…)
The windy sound at 19’55” comes in a little too loud for me, should’ve changed the attack a little - it woke me up. The final part contains more spacey sounds - that LFO thingy before the arpeg falls in again was really cool - when that monotone muted piano note falls in again it reminded me to say that it lasted a little too long in the first part … I guess now we’re heading to side B - let it come!!!
A long comment for a long track, hey Zark, is it because you own this place you can post tracks larger than 15MB?
Looking forward to what comes next.
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
In short, I listenend to the whole track (although it wasn't my intention - i just got sucked into it)
Was talking bout polar nights and stuff and the darker sounds starting at 9' - a more cinematic part. The muted piano note from the beginning (and end) lasted a little to long or had to little variation to me. The wind at 19'55" falls in a little too loud but that LFO thingy just prior to that was really cool.
Overall impression: very nice ambient - looking forward to hear side B
(i guess we cannot upload +15MB tracks because we don't own this place, right?)
ZARk [be] - 19 years ago
actually the variations are in a bassline that is barely audible (which is actually that same muted piano with resonance).
That part tries to create a trance effect by using the repetitivness and regularity of the piano notes, whilst everything around it slowly shifts in time.
Which is why when it stops it feels so empty ^^
edit: one day i'll score a soundtrack ... one day .... ^^
Erophin [be] - 19 years ago
a bit Jarre also-equinox-very relaxing tunes- abit further i thought hearing-
chariots of fire... do you know klaus-
Chulze- lots of resamblance- the darkside of the moog ^^
ZARk [be] - 19 years ago
this was intended to recreate the typical 80's ambient. which is my favorite.
added a 50hz loop and some static to give it a more authentic feel.
chinese rabbit is another track i made trying to imitate tangerine dream. but here i did it my way.
Kinet [be] - 19 years ago
reminds me of Eno's stuff
It sounds also like my old records with the cracks :) nice grungelizer :) I still buy old 70ies electronic records at "brocantes" .
Kolf [be] - 19 years ago
ZARk [be] - 19 years ago
Kinet [be] - 19 years ago
Love this track.
Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago
zodax [be] - 18 years ago
tu connais les disques de pete namlook?
c'est aussi de l'ambient épique
Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago
SpazzMano [be] - 18 years ago
privecomcept1 [be] - 18 years ago