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ZARk - Out From the Cold


Out from the cold, Side A

Layed out between the cold of fm and the warmth of analog.

where rythms shift and melodies evolve.





liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago

whoohoo... endlessly freezing!!!!


Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

was writing a comment on the first 10 minutes but at 9' the songstructure changed so i had to keep listening.

It sure kept my interest, (the first 6' I tried to catch up some sleep - white night with the youngest) then after 9' a more threatening sound comes in, rythm falls, it's more cinematic, darker sounds, polar nights (but not freezing enough, not high enough sounds) and now I notice a problem, a new sound comes in, i want to have a look what songtime it is but my comment window cannot be moved so i can't read time... don't want to start all over…
must be round 18’… polar night gets freezing cold now (copy/pasted message anyway…)
The windy sound at 19’55” comes in a little too loud for me, should’ve changed the attack a little - it woke me up. The final part contains more spacey sounds - that LFO thingy before the arpeg falls in again was really cool - when that monotone muted piano note falls in again it reminded me to say that it lasted a little too long in the first part … I guess now we’re heading to side B - let it come!!!

A long comment for a long track, hey Zark, is it because you own this place you can post tracks larger than 15MB?

Looking forward to what comes next.

reaman [be] - 19 years ago

AAAAAaaaaargh, wrote a two pages comment on this song and it didn't come through.

In short, I listenend to the whole track (although it wasn't my intention - i just got sucked into it)
Was talking bout polar nights and stuff and the darker sounds starting at 9' - a more cinematic part. The muted piano note from the beginning (and end) lasted a little to long or had to little variation to me. The wind at 19'55" falls in a little too loud but that LFO thingy just prior to that was really cool.
Overall impression: very nice ambient - looking forward to hear side B

(i guess we cannot upload +15MB tracks because we don't own this place, right?)

ZARk [be] - 19 years ago

i agree about the lack of variation in part 1 ( yes, there are 4 parts in the track ).

actually the variations are in a bassline that is barely audible (which is actually that same muted piano with resonance).
That part tries to create a trance effect by using the repetitivness and regularity of the piano notes, whilst everything around it slowly shifts in time.

Which is why when it stops it feels so empty ^^

edit: one day i'll score a soundtrack ... one day .... ^^

Erophin [be] - 19 years ago

this one has a vinylisch feeling indeed-
a bit Jarre also-equinox-very relaxing tunes- abit further i thought hearing-
chariots of fire... do you know klaus-
Chulze- lots of resamblance- the darkside of the moog ^^

ZARk [be] - 19 years ago

i have 3 or 4 darkside of the moog on cd, most of the Tangerine Dream albums on vinyl, jarre's full discography, lots of brian eno, ...

this was intended to recreate the typical 80's ambient. which is my favorite.
added a 50hz loop and some static to give it a more authentic feel.

chinese rabbit is another track i made trying to imitate tangerine dream. but here i did it my way.

Kinet [be] - 19 years ago

already after 3 min i love it
reminds me of Eno's stuff
It sounds also like my old records with the cracks :) nice grungelizer :) I still buy old 70ies electronic records at "brocantes" .

Kolf [be] - 19 years ago

yes! i like this kind of ambient pretty much..the muted piano is very good..it brings you in a hypnotic state..nice work.. do you now the french componist- ambientmeistro Heldon? its hard to find nowerdays but its realy great..you can find a glimp at aquariusrecords.org.

ZARk [be] - 19 years ago

linked to an image gallery

Kinet [be] - 19 years ago

For when Side B ??
Love this track.

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

nice man just smoked a joint with it just perfect it gonna be in my playlist !

zodax [be] - 18 years ago

pas mal!!
tu connais les disques de pete namlook?
c'est aussi de l'ambient épique

Sapaj [be] - 18 years ago

very sensitive

SpazzMano [be] - 18 years ago

j'adort c'est tout bon fieu :)

privecomcept1 [be] - 18 years ago

exellent choix de belles NAPE sonore spherique comme jaime un traks ki raconte ds histoire