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arkaeONE - ici je me sense bien


i made this track bakc in november. i was sitting in the park, nice weather, a beautiful aftersummer day, when i felt like making this track. with dreamy sound to it but still bumping. i couldn't find the finished file so i post this one. comments?





mrMute [be] - 19 years ago

I like the sounds, especially the melo that starts at 0:55 it makes the sound fuller and makes the track lift-off, maybe you can add some subtle filtering to it to give it some "waaaoooaaa" :) or ad a second layer to it one octave higher and use it as a lead.

you made one build-up from start till ending. If you would re-organise the track with some breaks and work somewhat in chorus/vers style it would make the track better.


Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

nice nice