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Salamadictus - After the disaster


I was thinking a long time of making an IDM song, but never really got to it. Untill now, got me my first idm song and i pretty happy with it, it's also the first time I've completely made in reason and I can notice the difference wich is good:)





TheThreatOfDawn [be] - 19 years ago

first I wan't sure where this song was going to... But I liked the sound of it though... after a few times it realy stuck to my mind! It has a stange feeling over it... pretty bizar...nice work

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

Nice!! It's great how you treat that synth!! The effects on it really serve the song well!!

Melodywise IDM for sure, but concerning the rhytms I had expected more step by step programming, but all in all a nice IDM-track!!

Cridian [be] - 19 years ago

vet nummer :)