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failx - Soulstretcher (Fight Club edit)


dancefloor… with samples (in french) extract from the mighty Fight Club movie... maybe the mastering could be better but i'm very proud of this track…





hoffman [be] - 19 years ago

like it ;)

liquidbass [be] - 19 years ago

cool track and good work... very powerful and its a pleasure to listen to it!

... but...


get rid of the french samples... the voice is sooooooooo poor compared to the original Tyler Durdon.
Hint: search for:
fight club movie quote wav
in any search engine.

failx [be] - 19 years ago

Thanx for the feedback ;)

i've got 4 differents edits of this song :
• instrumental
• fight club (french) edit
• Bernie (french) edit (vous avez rien contre les cauchemards ?)
• Reborn edit (english, with the vocal inside the mighty 'reborn by technical itch and another sample "we are still here")

but… i agree, the english sample of fight club must be better… i'll have a look for this one like you say :)
