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bandarlog - And you're floating in bodytemperature water


140 bpm Elektro. Again hard to place it in one of these styles. It has electro, psy and some dubby bass in it.





dynamik [be] - 19 years ago

nice atmosphere, good mastering. the song just keeps on flowing and rolling, which is nice. keep it up

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Damn right it has some psy, especially the kick. If that ain't psy, then what is? :)

Quite a surprising track. It grabbed me by the balls from the very beginning. The threatening start got me focused instantly.

However, it's hard to stay focused as the song evolves, and after a while I get the impression it sounds rather cold. Maybe shorten it a bit?

But I know you like those kind of dark soundscapes and background music, so in the light of that it's good I think. Once again a fine tune to feature in a movie. This is the kind of soundtrack I'd like to make myself for a sci-fi thriller, but I haven't succeeded in my quest, my first attempt was okay but I can do better. I'd love to have it sound like this (without copying your style of course :)).

So, conclusion: as a "track" I'm not impressed in the end. But for a sci-fi thriller, excellent soundtrack.

bandarlog [be] - 18 years ago

Man rabauw, you are always so right about the "song" value that is often lacking in my "songs"... they really are more of soundsketches for a background. Someone get me a director cause I need moving image to get the main attention away from the song an sich.

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Well yeah, as an "electrosong" I would say it's not so impressive. But since I know what kind of music you like to make, I can still judge it objectively. But, I just think that you should put this kind of tracks in the soundtrack section, instead of electro. In the "electro" section, people mostly expect "songs". So, it's quite possible they don't like it, and you will be disappointed because of negative criticism. Therefore, if I were you, I'd put it in the soundtrack, and explain that you like to make sci-fi movie soundtracks. Just my advice of course, only trying to help :).

Duskin [be] - 18 years ago

I like it, maybe not enough surprises and twists to my taste but the grim flow drags along and keeps you in the undercurrent 'till the end...

bandarlog [be] - 18 years ago

Yeah Rabauw true... but I can live with bad reviews if they'll be posted ;) Problem is this genrething. I don't think it would fit into soundtrack either when I listen to the average song in the soundtrack section. A lot of these songs are very low bpm and hardly have any rythm. btw: I hate sci-fi movies but I know what you mean & can imagine you associate songs like this with them.

NeonSoul [be] - 18 years ago

WOWiieee...I must have missed this one. Great stuff!!

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

It crazy i like it alot,

Actually rabauw has pretty much already said everything there is to say !
It would be better in soundtrack :)

anyway, if i can make it to ebel party, i'm looking forward to hearing you !

edith [be] - 18 years ago

nice :)

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

This is niiiiiiiiiiiiiice !!!

Very very good introduction and really good mastering

We'll see what it gives on live ! :))

eckhart [be] - 18 years ago

cool tune! very rythmic although not drum-ish :) nice one!