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bandarlog - Omertà


75 bpm

Dark downbeat.


This is meant as an introsong for the next live (Petrol! Antwerp! 23/5, 20pm, be there :))!)





SpazzMano [be] - 17 years ago

shadow walkking; dark pression, good slow beat, good evolution on the track, the presence of good string sounds, for me, more develloped before the vocal passage, after, the evolution climb slowy but surrely, good job

unsonic [be] - 17 years ago


Elkhor [be] - 17 years ago

good dark track, like the voice, where are they from ?? really good ambiance, for the ritmik i'll see well, something more break sometimes ^^

MucH [be] - 17 years ago

Very nice

Phye [be] - 17 years ago

I love the soundsculpting you did !!
Very nice as openingtrack aswel, the intro makes it work ! Vocal sounds cool aswel and I would use the kick you used in the intro in some other parts aswel to make the sound at some parts more overwhelming.

bandarlog [be] - 17 years ago

Thanks for comments! @Phye: I'm tempted myself to make this a 'full' song but I won't. The whole idea is that the show starts (when people come inside) with a lot more walksounds (btw: it's a walk in the snow sample), like 5 minutes. I want to create some sort of 'is the music playing or not?' feeling. Then it really starts after 5+4=9 minutes and it never breaks loose untill the very end. Second idea is to make this a ghosttrack on the album.

@ Elkhor: can't remeber actually where I got them :\ Anyway: it was a gangstermaffia movie. I stole this part of the sample from one of my own songs :)) Normally it's longer and it ends with 'for freedom we will fight'

Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

fabulous !!!

so much detail, so much happening, cool vocs, an absolute fav, for me this is your best so far !!

rule001 [be] - 17 years ago

Totally sweet!!!
big thumbs up

crolerbedo [be] - 17 years ago

yep, simply beautiful and all that kind of things
+fav of course

cloudhopper [be] - 17 years ago

quite nice..good sound also, the buildup is pretty good but i miss some layers here and there still.. especially in the higher frequencies.. for example at some part i can almost imagine a higher key melody .. it would make things even more interesting and make everything happen a little faster cos sometimes get the feeling it progresses a little slowly without these additional layers.. and one other remark.. the part where u put in the guitar like sound after the voice break is quite nice as well but i dont like this particular gate/arpeggio much.. but thats just taste i suppose.. good work.. prefer this over your psyworx back in the day when we played at the same party

eckhart [be] - 17 years ago

strong intro track indeed. would keep my attention for sure !

Falcon030 [be] - 17 years ago

i like the voice s and the dark sferic soundings ! well dunn !

transynth [be] - 17 years ago

i don't like the kickdrum that much,it's reeverbed i don't like it that way..But the rest is well produced..I like the pads (violins) a lot, they have a sweet sound!The vocals are nice and they fit

i enjoyed your trip :) Grtz

Jeller [be] - 17 years ago

very good intro!!

production is very nice off course, this track would also be great for a soundtrack :p

btw you already used that sample in a goa song didn't you :)

Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

One word: waw!

Absolutely a masterpiece, what a buildup, and such a majestic ending, goddamn I can listen to the last 2 minutes forever! MASTERPIECE!

Distreality [be] - 17 years ago

sublime !

BpOlar [be] - 17 years ago

very well produced

nEUROLAND [be] - 17 years ago

Makes me think of the first tune on the P.O.L. album, a side project of Markus Schmickler!
Be sure I like that^^

mowzow [be] - 16 years ago

again, a verry nice feeling overwhelms me.:) fav+

Anonymous [be] - 14 years ago

extremely good work, i'm impressed!
maybe we'll invite you for a tryout to play in our preprogram on our worldtour in Belgium.
Ralf Hütter, Kraftwerk

ElPietro [be] - 13 years ago

+ fav