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Member since: 19 years
Last Logged in: 15 years


City: Genkstar
Age: 55 years
I Compose: electro,Italo disco
with: Creamware Minimax (moog),Novation Bass station, Behringer Overdrive FX pedal,Yamaha MG12/4 Mixer,Novation Drumstation,Yamaha RM1X,Korg Microkorg,Behringer fx,MS 20 usb controller,EdirolFA101 10 in 10 out firewire soundcard, Imac G5 2.0 1 Gig RAM, Behringer C1 microphone,Orla DS9
Ableton Live 5, Peak 4, Moog Modular,Minimoog, Korg Legacy collection,Arp2600,FM7 and a few other Audio Units
I Play: electro,Italo Disco,Elektroclash


Total Posts: 292
Last Post: 16 years in MC505 STOLEN!!!
Total Comments: 383 (0.1/day)
Last Comment: 15 years in It's complicated
Listened by User: 1913 (0.3/day)
Last Listened: 15 years @ t-files
Total Songs: 32
Listened: times (/day)


I feel beaten by the system, but still not dead