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NeonSoul - Encephalopathy
Another Texhnolyze inspired track named after one of the episodes.Encephalopathy alters brain function and/or structure. It may be caused by an infectious agent , brain tumor, prolonged exposure to toxic elements or trauma.
The hallmark of encephalopathy is an altered mental state. Depending on the type and severity of encephalopathy, common neurological symptoms are progressive loss of memory and cognitive ability, subtle personality changes, inability to concentrate, lethargy, and progressive loss of consciousness. Other neurological symptoms may include involuntary twitching of the muscles, rapid involuntary eye movement, dementia, seizures, and loss of ability to swallow or speak.
NeonSoul top 5:
Subway Creep -
Battle of Unbendable Minds -
Pink Planet -
TearDrop Memories -
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Sumic [be] - 18 years ago
But I like the style.
NeonSoul [be] - 18 years ago
Doorchaser [be] - 18 years ago
I like this one better because it reminds me of those nineties raves. Been to a few in small basements those days and I got instant flashback heaing this tune!
Good on ya
Bass is indeed sometimes a jiffy too loud!! But that's the only thing!
Cheers, +fav and you know it!!