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NeonSoul - Battle of Unbendable Minds


I made this track for a friend called Caliphear, who wanted me to make him a theme song. I've tried to make a kind of soundtrack to the image of two warriors facing off, ready to do battle to the death.





MarionXue [be] - 19 years ago

I feel the anger and present tension that you want to create! I love your ideas with the beats.. But the mix and sounds sound a bit flat to my opinion.. Maybe you can spice things up with making the mix a bit more fluent/organic and make the sounds/synths you use less mat/flat! I like the general idea and can picture two warriors getting ready for battle and even battling...

NeonSoul [be] - 19 years ago

Thanks for the comments MarionXue. Really appreciate it. I'll keep it in mind.

heatfuse [be] - 19 years ago

Would make a very nice soundtrack indeed! I have a little suggestion: you could gradually put some distortion on that heavy synth to make the song a lot more aggressive

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

Great one, although I like Subway Creep more, concerning the tension. I like the "Industrial" kind of sounds you use in the beginning. Anyway thumbs up!

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

Second Listen: Very good. The atmosphere remains which is a compliment. Very dark indeed (darkens up a little bit more every time you listen). Don't have so much time these days but this one is worth the listen!!

MrDeVille [be] - 19 years ago

nice soundtrack indeed. a constant tention in the song is really keeping the fighters going in their combat. I don't agree with the previous comment on the mix, once in a game the fichters themselve also produce fighting sounds and it would turn out to be too blurry imo.

HerrGeldmann [be] - 18 years ago

It fits right into Mortal Combat ;)
I do agree with heatfuse, distortion will make it more aggressive and dark.

yenneman [be] - 18 years ago

The 'wooden' percussion I don't like, but the overall song is very nice. For me it should be a bit more overwhelming, but if it's a themesong, I guess it's good as it is.

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

I agree with Geldman, Mortal Kombat indeed!!! Kind of good music for the "choose your destiny" screen :)
oohhhh if I think back about those days... I reminisce me sitting in front of my tv for hours, aaaaahhh nostalgia...
Where's my Sega???

It's really a game console song, obviously.
Musically a lot is lacking here, but it doesn't matter, cos my Sega games would have soundtracks with exactly the same sound. So in the light of that... mission accomplished!

NeonSoul [be] - 18 years ago

Originally I totally didn't intend to make this Mortal Kombat like...but hey I'm really OK with that...'cause I got the original arcade standing in my living room!!!!

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

funny stuff

yesman25 [be] - 10 years ago

Hello can i use this sountrack for scrath?

Anonymous [be] - 10 years ago

Sure you can use it. Have fun

NeonSoul [be] - 10 years ago

And now logged in. Sure you can use it. Let me know how it works out!

yesman25 [be] - 9 years ago

Thank you.I don't think it fit the game very well but I used it anyway because it is a good soundtrack.