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READYdot - Replicant



My first song entirely made in Ableton! I started with the small "Blade Runner"Sample and the Big'n'nBeefy preset from my JV-880 (who thought i'd use that synth someday again)... and the rest ended up the way you can hear!

It's rather unusual me thinks!
Comments are gracefully awaited!


UPDATE (26/11/06): Reduced the delay on the drums and made the mastering better!





icteder [be] - 18 years ago

coool man like the beats.new style oldschool electro.very cool.to favs

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago


Swan [be] - 18 years ago

some rythmic bits are too messy sometimes, dunno where it comes from. like a bad quantization.

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Thnx for the kudos!
@Swan: I see what you mean, i think it's something that happens because of the delay/compressor things i used... but I thought it would add a bit of deconstructiveness to the whole, maybe I'll tweak it a bit more... I had also some trouble getting the right amount of volume... well it's my first try in ableton, I'll exercice! ^^ thnx anyway!

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

yessss yesss, it keeps getting better

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Thnx! Hope the song is more straightforward now! But I think I'll still tweak the bass, some time!

brainboil [be] - 18 years ago

very nice but the beat is driven a bit to far imo...the synth's are great !!

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Sorry for the beats :) thnx for the synths! I'd like to get away from the 08/15 beat, without being to breakbeat-like... I like it that way... but everybody his opinions.. onions ^^

stryder [be] - 18 years ago

yeh phat! very cinematic :heavy:

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Thank you very much, that's what it was supposed to be!

AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

nice melodic electro...:)

Krael [be] - 18 years ago

Nice one, good sound throughout. Grtz

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Thnx! Profoundly apreciated!

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

yeaaa s'nice man!
great work with the pads love it!nice vocals on that all and bang super-electro track!
cheers :)

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Aha nice!
Floats on the borderline between electro and trance, the rhythmic structure being more electro-based while the leads are clearly more trancy.

I like the bass work, but maybe the bass needs some more compression? Could be my imagination, but I'm listening on a headset and the bass seems to be overmastered? I'm not sure though... maybe check your peaks & freqs again?

Nice dark leads btw.

Replicant or lesbian haha!

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Thnx, I'll check them basses soon! I normally like them a bit over the top... Thnx again!

adio [be] - 18 years ago

great............................... fuck, addictive song

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Wow, thnx for the huge compliment!