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Wes - Trance Years


Since I also play the guitar and like the old song 'new year's day' of U2, I atempted to make a trance version of it, generally because I just love the melody of the original song. Your opinions please, but do keep in mind that it's my first song I ever posted here. Enjoy it.





transynth [be] - 18 years ago

thumb down and no comment?shame on that one!

apart form that, i quiet like the structure, but the bass shouldn't have that much reeverb and may be a lot phatter^^
not that bad for your first finished production, but needs a lot of mastering...like the melody a lot, makes me think of an existing trance track :)
anyway nice melo, but bass and percussion needs a lot of work ;) keep up!Grtz

NunnE [be] - 18 years ago

welcome on ebel i would say :)

you could really do something with that melo. If u listen again at your track, u should here it's a bit empty. U only have melo + bass + kick + hihats. Try to make it fuller witch extra pads en shpere elements. Try to add som effects and sound effects. Maybe try to arrange your bassline indeed so it'll sound phatter :)

nice start tho, keep working on it, spin the attack buttons etc.

Bitkit [be] - 17 years ago

like the idea, sounds a little bit empty, but you really can fix this. Looking forward for some tunes, keep 'm comming ;)

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

absolute banger quaality tune dude

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

yes iys a cool song, but sorry i have no constructive comment to say :(