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Wes - Artificial Stars


Since the song I posted yesterday I have been busy on making some new things, but I have been doing a bit more mastering and stuff so it sounds fuller and more punchy than the first song I posted. Your honest opinions please... Enjoy it.




NunnE [be] - 18 years ago


first of all, i like the main melo! but:
it misses some power, need to be much stronger, try other synth for example. I miss like i told u with your previous track some effects. I have a feeling your track is in different parts who aren't connected togheter, if you understand what i mean :) Also try to add a string pad, to create more depth in your track

forget the mastering to start now, try to build a good basis for your track,and than try to master it a bit.

I really like the melo, if u want, maybe i'll make a remix from it :) just pm me :)
