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pyroclyptic - Clash
This is my first song, hope you like it. Comments are welcome.Grts Pyroclyptic.
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DrDrake [be] - 16 years ago
First thing you need to do is work on the kick, sounds like the standard FL kick,...
Takes loads of practice.
Grtz the Docter
pyroclyptic [be] - 16 years ago
And you are right, it IS the standard FL kick :p
And yes, i will practice alot...
DrDrake [be] - 16 years ago
Kick are much better! nice work! took me alot more time to create a kick-bass like that, so GJ!
Next thing you should work on , is deforming the synths. They are to dry in both songs still.
Keep up ;)
pyroclyptic [be] - 16 years ago
So i changed the song, gave it a spacy twist because it's appropriate 4 the title ^^
Changed the title to detox3, guess it won't be online untill tomorrow...
Where are you from btw? Can i have your msn in case i get into trouble?
Thx again ;)