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hennoxlane - No In, No Out


One other minimalistic type of song, I tried putting as much variation as possible on top of one piano theme, while trying to maintain the atmosphere of the song.

hope you guys enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making it! :)





Skip [be] - 16 years ago

verry nice piece.
I defenetly hear some Glass and Mertens in it.
Really enjoying it. What soft/vst's did you use?
also nice to hear some 5/4 once in a while.
(If I may suggest my latest soundtrack in my list)
the outro could/should be longer imo,ends a bit too soon
real nice piece here :))

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

I used hypersonic (1) vsti,one of the better instrumental/orchestral sounds available in plugins, but I must say what you are using is defenetly better sounding!

Rag [be] - 16 years ago

sounds really nice, just like i'm listening to a real orchestra, love the bass and flutes btw
nice arrangement

omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago


NoMansLand [be] - 16 years ago

Absolutely great song. I can't say I heard anything this beautiful for a long time.

hennoxlane [be] - 16 years ago

thanx :)