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candidempire - Inferno


nothing to be said is nothing to be said but this amateur community asks me to explain my work with long phrases.

so , this song is made via a simple way of noise making cut & copy & adding effects. there is no respect to have it explained. i didn't use early bullshit synths to make it , just free opensource sound generator on sourceforge.net + my new eeepc. Inferno is a basic intro track to kick asses & ears.

don't expect to ear it "live" or so ... because it was recorded once & will never be reproduced.

i have a lot of respect for people but not for little chiefs getting to seriously their "responsabilities".

feel free to insult me , i don't care!

raise the roof!!! carpe diem!!! :-)


candidempire top 5:




liquidbass [be] - 15 years ago

Ure my personal jesus

clik [be] - 15 years ago

no action, no modulation...crshhhhh hhh hhh. it's a empty painting is. nothing happens in the canvas. it's a way.