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IskaRiot - verskave acidafnee


here goes,
dedicated to the most wonderfull girl i know, and who loves silly acid ^^

1ste part acid/hardcore,
2de part rave/junglecore

both parts were separated projects, switch from 1 -> 2 is not yet optimized, as is the whole song. just a sneak peak of what i'm working on.
posting it because i really like where it is going, and because i would like to hear your ideas on this.
suggestions are more then welcome.
suggestions are nice, they give you something to work on.
suggestions kick ass.

the kazoo part in there is just pasted on, allready got a save where i played with it a lot, fx, fading, buildup, eq'ing... blablabla
didn't want to post that yet, so you will be able to hear the difference when i upload an edit
(oh yes, i'm an edittor, and damn proud of my shamefull actions)

but most important, i would like to turn a smile on your faces, plz tell me if it worked ;)

EDIT: longer, filled up some holes, changed some patterns,...
up next: beat variations, melody variations, FX, build up and climax

changed the kick a little to prevail overlap with the next 3 kicks, should reduse the noize, tell me if it needs more work or not plz...

sillycore to the max!





Aceton [be] - 16 years ago

Hi mate,
here goes an otherone:D
fucking great piece of destruction.
the rawness in this one is fucking great.
Acidcore part is good.
breakcore part is very nice specially that happy moment :D
seeya laterz

HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago

kblijf da gekraak ne stoorzender vinden :p tzou zo ne strak zotten kunnen zijn mee cleane maar evenzo vette kicks! stuk rond 1:00 vink het beste, da geeft zowa een dansgevoel. en zoals gezeit: mastervolume ietske minder ofzo :p maja khebt gistre al gezeit quoi.

kgeef joen nen duim! en tes toopen dat eve lekker smoakt of joen poeptjen eeeeeeeee!


IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

@aceton, rawness thanks to you mate, love those gekkehuiskicks ^^
@hye, i'm working on that gekraak as you know, hoping to get that strakke you're talking about with less noise, but with the same amount of rawness i want to achieve.
part arround 1.00 inspired by bong-ra's rave tracks

thanks for comments ;)

happy happy joyjoy

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

intro part isn't my thing, acid shizlle is realy nice though (big up on that)

now soundwhise: I'd deff make sure nothing goes "overstuur" (in the red on your mixer that is).

and less desto... (its only on the bass I asume)

good job anyways


HarryPoppins [be] - 16 years ago

hardt :)

particle [be] - 16 years ago

yes good one! again lots of improvement good playing with amens and pumpin' kicks, i like the acid stuff, treated it well, en vant gekraak geen last gehad ;)

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

yup, keep on foefeling around ,trashy-core as trashy can be :))
nice ode dude.

OsaModas [be] - 16 years ago

haha da einde maat, zo goatskullish :p

funny shit

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

osa, you made my day comparing me to the allmighty goatskull :D
thanks all, hope to finish this soon, or it'll be a while with examens comming up...

glad you're all amused :)

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

-IskaRiot Entertainment-
géne kak ze.

Khaozeng1ne [be] - 16 years ago

like it :)
en zeker het stuk vanaf 2.15 :)
nice party vibez
komt is ner antwerpe en dan maken wij is wa Crazy headbanging shit!!!

Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago

@ hyevolture zijne comment: haha; harry potter westvlaams ^^

and at uw lied: I don't like the heavy distortion in the beginning either (could be personal) but, vanaf 01:00 'till the end i like; really nice melos and breaks

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

wederom big thanks for commenting.

@omyiga: kben bezig aan dien distorion, de miserie is dat die kick massa's distorted is, kheb er zelf geen effect op gezet. andere kick doetet em niet, maar kheb hem wat ingekort en ben nu op alle mogelijke wijze bezig met de distorion wa te minderen zonder de energie van de kick te verliezen. want het moet wel wa smerig blijven, kwil nie te serieus overkomen enal ^^

MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago

really nice ideas, but still some things to work out more (ok i know it's icz ^^)...watch out for going in the red...i don't think distortion makes a kick dirty btw :)...cool acid part, nice breakz...keep up!!

omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago

i want my price !

to much disto on evarithing, good rave shit , but needs some refinement

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

thanks lads, will be working on this one. don't expect an fine-tuned piece of art though, it's gonna stay trashy sillycorecrap, but some refinement is idd needed.

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

what a bull shit ?

sitchin [be] - 16 years ago

meh not bad, just the distortion gets annoying on good speakers... stuff can always be tweaked so i'd leave it open... cheers!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

i promis the distorion will be taken care of in an edit sooner or later

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

curse the lameasses giving thumbs down without saying why!, you go to hell and you die! just say what you don't like, i won't bite or spam your songs with thumbs down.

HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago

nog steeds vrij "wet" (flets)/krakend. de melodie vanaf 1:00 is ook minder duidelijk geworden vindk. enkele leuke toevoegingen zoals pitchkes op uw snares ma kzou toch keer uwen kick grondig herzien, tenzij het per se zo moet blijven. ik weet in feite ni wa ge wilt: wel of genen vuile kick, dus kweet in feite ook geen nuttige tips te geven, kspreek dus enkel uit mijn opinie/visie.

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

its sillycore allright, silly noise-core.
the 4/4 snares at first minute....dont know, sounds too jump-style for my taste.
a bit long now too.
you can do better I think/believe/hope.
Idd try to start my breaks as clean as possible, cuz once they are too noisy its verry hard to get them clean after adding other elements.
but if the noise is intended,nice wurk.

I would start over with the acid-like melody and the silly melody.Just those 2 elements, and put brand new breaks on em.my thought only

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

yeah, i was thinking about seperating them again, or just the jungle part at least. was thinking about an oldskool rave kinda tingy. maybe it will be verskave & acidafnee in the futer, or as a kind of remix dunno, you get the point, right :p
the problem indeed is once you got it all noizy and distorted it's hard to get a good mix or a subtle touch in there.
ah wel, still, i will make i final version of this...

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

yes good update, sounds good to me/
the breaks are really good in some parts
and the whole is eu dikke fun door die melodieen.

AnnoM [be] - 16 years ago

still a bit too distorted i think. try to compress your distorted sound a bit more. esp. the acidpart would sound a lot better. you may also add some more high freq, around 1 - 3 khz (i think :) )
the 'silly' part is something i would never make (nothing wrong about it, just not may taste), but i can really imagine this would be REALLY fun at a party :))
it's a nice track, i don't know much about core so i don't think i can add something else. try to work further on your soundquality (something we all have to do) and you'll produce some pretty nasty stuff.

AnnoM [be] - 16 years ago

and indeed, people really should be obliged to write down a (constructive) comment when giving a thumb down, otherwise it's really really cheap.

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Ik houd niet zo van deze track. Ik vind de melodie saai, ze is helemaal niet ravey. Ook vind ik dat er voor deze track veel blabla is maar weinig boemboem. De breaks zeggen me ook niet veel. Luister eens naar de melodiën van Harry Poppins, naar de break-edits van mr badmonkey en naar de kicks van aceton. Ik denk dat je er veel uit kan leren.

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

haha grapjas, kunt mss van de eerste keer zeggen dak meer naar venetian snares moe luisteren, meer als shitmat moe klinken, en meer moe masteren als aphex twin ofzo? kbedoel, als ge alles gaat vergelijken met de betere^op ebel gade idd alktijd moeten zeggen dat het slechter is.
ik doe dees voor de fun he man, nie omdak dikke stapels cash wil verdienen. ma soit, goe dat er ke gezegd wordt waarom er een thumb down gegeven wordt, waarvoor enorm veel dank. times they are a-changing.

btw, next update give your name ok, so i can send a squad of bloodhounds to your chrismasparty ;)
nah, but why so shy man, kudos for giving your opinion

btw, kicks used were givin to me BY aceton :p

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Hi dude!
Thanx for tour com.

Okay, first i hope the girl you dedicat is happy of it.
It works good like this, i really appreciat the funny melody, the composition is classical and it's party sound. You got the right flow.

My suggestions:
_More break on your drum loops.
_I like the parasit noise so don't touch it.
_Maybe, the tempo is too slow ( or not), you should try faster.
_Use some synth to play the melody again, with massive bass or something like that.
_And, of course, be careful with acid!

It's always a pleasure to ear you, i hope one day we'll play together.
Keep this trash energy!

ZeBrokenEgg [fr] - 16 years ago

Fuck! I forgot to login, i'm the anonymous upside.

Bisous a tous les belges.

Akwalek [be] - 16 years ago

listening on crappy speakerz so i cant say anything about the quality: bout zhe sounds und story: grrrrreat breaking noize, the melo is great, bieten aswel, disto stoort mij gene second, ma kan aan mijn materiaal ligge...
kzou nog ewa crrrrazy motah fuckin fx toevoegen, wa xtreem gedraai aan de juste buttons en een melo variatieke, mss ewa pads die er door komen en vr een climaxke zorge
conclusie: vette basis, of mss zelfs al meer dan, nu nog uitwerke
goe bezig allesinds, lijkt mij

Freakywrath [fr] - 16 years ago

there already a lot's of comments so i just say that it is great . there is a lot of idea in it & it's very crunchy but nice crunch
pioupiouacidkrrtictacbreakhappycore music

Aceton [be] - 16 years ago

hi, mate.
after reading allot of bullshit here.
I must say something in general ,
first off all iskariot music is A revolution.
He got fucking great concepts.
but like all of us he got to learn allot , so when someone thik's his music is crap or trash, go check your first songs.
& BTW> iskariot just wants to represent trash, silly humorristic music & crunchy dirty crazy in your face music straight from hell.
So peeps who don't like breakcore, just don't fucking listen to it .
& when you have something to say, do it on A addult way with respect.
Why the hell must he sound like harry poppins, mr admonkey or me?whyyyyyyyyyy?

really this is A community of respect & friendship
end of case!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

i'm not so sure about me being a revolution, more of a prutserke imo
but you're def right on the friendship/respect part.
and about the pârt about me needing to sound like anyone else ^^

anyhow, this must be the biggest compliment i ever received.

Hasta la Revolución siempre ;)

grasmaaier [be] - 15 years ago


Omyiga [be] - 15 years ago

oink, dien anonymous is wa ne neut
kvind dezen één van uw betere; echt
vette breaks, wa acid, vrolijke (wél goeie imo) melo's. Om op mijn vorige comment terug te komen, tis mss nogal overdistorted ma kstoor mij er nu bvb al ni echt meer aan en das iets persoonlijk ook; goedje, partygerief!

IskaRiot [be] - 15 years ago

hihihi, krijg plots massa's comments op ouwe nummers ^^
danke zeer, jaaq en omey, altijd leuk te horen dak mensen een beetje kan entertainen he :))

Aceton [be] - 15 years ago

tblijft een smerige vette plaat
kerel we gaan da kot daar afbreken e den 9ste lol

HyeVolture [be] - 13 years ago

mee ne goeie mix is da nen tophit vengt!