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CruizeOfFiction - Parental Guidance (Pounded Version)


First time I try frenchcore/frenchtek/tek (at least I think it falls in this category)
I know as good as nothing about this genre I only know 2 songs of radium & 2 of the speedfreak...
The other experience I had with this sound came from Original T & Aemon (and some other tracks I heard here on ebel).

I hope by knowing so little of this genre I have givin' it my own twist, and I hop I still made something party-able.

I have been focussing a whole lot on making basskicks & reeces from scratch lately. There are 3 different kicks in this song (each one consists out of 2 kicks, so in total I made 6 kicks for this song)
I also made new breaks for this one.
The pads/choir/vocals are all recycled elements out of old songs of mine or vocals I sampled a long time ago but never got to use...

quotes from:
Sin City, Army Of Darkness

Hope you enjoy, all comments & tips/thoughts are very welcome





Omyiga [be] - 16 years ago

yeah cool track man
I like that krakende bass that starts around 0:40
I think it's definietly party-materiaal but om naar te luisteren wordt het na 3min voor mij beetje ééntonig

particle [be] - 16 years ago

yes finally, some hardcore shizzle! ;) hehe cool stuff man, must say i don't like the krakende kick that much, the other ones are pretty cool though, good work on sounds and arp and stuff , i suck at it^^

SlixX [be] - 16 years ago

isn't frenchtek another name for jump/hardstyle? i heard that somewhere

gonna listen to the tune now!

cominthrough [be] - 16 years ago

boing boing boing!!! nice one mistah! goe dak u eindelijk weer zie/hoor producen!

IskaRiot [be] - 16 years ago

schuuntje, nen tekstyler haddek nie verwacht van u ^^
imo you succeeded in a tektrack, but then again, i'm not sure i know more about tek then you.
i also have to agree with omyiga on the one-tone-ness, ma das eerder de stijl dan weer mss, kwenie, ma mss nog een simplistisch melodietje extra toevoegen in de 2de helft voor de aandacht te blijven houden?
sample "...nice little talk" vinnek zalig, goe gekozen dadde
het is hier weer uit persoonlijke smaak dak nu ff ga praten: voor mij mag er nog een beatshift ofzo inzitten van tijd tot tijd, wa meer variatie, ma dan edde natuurlijk weer al snel iets anders dan tekstyle. (oh ik haat stijlen becommentariëren waar ik nie thuis in ben ^^)
jupjup, i really hope i'll hear you play this at a party someday, in between dreunende darksteps in, moe wel cool effect geven pijzek.
bon, duimke ;)

SlixX [be] - 16 years ago

it's better then the vesion you sended me yesterday ;) only i think there needs to be more variation, pretty crucial in core cause else it tends to be "plat" but nice work man, keeping in mind that this is your first core track ;) but i most say that the samples you used could be better, needs more vigour ;) just some friendly advice, anywayz keep it up! btw more claps :p

Letrange [be] - 16 years ago

I really hate hardcore and hardtek but the kicks are nice cause not too conventional but more personal (could be cool in a dnb teky track).
The work on the other sound is quite cool in the style.
So good hardtek tracks imo but won't give me a willing om hardtek te luisteren.
Respect man!

OriginalT [be] - 16 years ago

woooo, nice tune you've made here!
Just ook nie zo'n fan van de 'krakende bass'...
anyway, nice job! ;)


teebo [be] - 16 years ago

pounding track, with some cool hypnotical elements (which i consider very important in genres like this) also good melodies. maybe add some glitch or other typical hardcore details to add some more depth/variation. nice experiment!

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

Nice tek, good first song!!

Anonymous [be] - 16 years ago

héhé nice (:
really like the basses. but i must agree with some of the foregoing comments on details. as i said yesterday ^^. but i noticed u added some ? nice party track tough!

eeezzeepeezzeee [be] - 16 years ago

def party material!
great sounds, atmo and extraordinary work on the voicesamples imo. that one melody's keeps a-hanging (tototititeto, weetwel)

eeezzeepeezzeee [be] - 16 years ago

good title, too

Rambastik [be] - 16 years ago

bangin on phat speakers! works^^ Yes indeed!!

Skip [be] - 16 years ago

how do you make a sound from scratch

the orchestral bits after 01:00 should be a bit louder.

idd ,nogal my cup niet,zapping after 2 minutes.
I would make that kick more pound-full, more hardcore-style,now its toomuch bok bok instead of poom poom (?)

I would add massas elements to make an evolution towards the end and to slowely replace the first elements sothat it would stay interesting,declining from the tek-spirit I know :))

hope this comment is somewhat relevant ,comming from a no-tek'er guy like me. ;)

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

You callibrate all your oscilators yourself (so no presets or sampels you work from just waveforms like saws, sines, squares....)

Skip [be] - 16 years ago


CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

music is math!
the sine, square, triangle, sawtooth are those typical gameboy sounds

omihoshbin [be] - 16 years ago

yeah oskilatoorz , they are them shits!!!^^.

bamming track.
the first thing that i heard is the great mixdown. not realy my cup of tea.
i would replace the choir samples with a trancy saw synth thats gated in the same way as the choir.

Kreyz [be] - 16 years ago

ja das wel party indeed ma , mocht soms wat vettiger klinke , ma you did a good jobke

MrBadMonkey [be] - 16 years ago

yepz nice one...bij deze is het dus duidlelijk dat iedereen van die dingen kan maken :p...good cruize, job of fiction!!

HyeVolture [be] - 16 years ago

difficult genre to keep interest. this kind of music reminds me of the doopfeesten: a lot of psycho junks from lille, liege and other dirty motherfucker cities who come to ghent to broaden their geography knowledge with some mdma, speed and factory walls. you add good details to this deadlike genre, but almost 5 minutes is a little bit too long I think. cool you made these kicks from scratch, must give a lot of adrenaline to create something like that. thumb.

Aceton [be] - 16 years ago

good work cof,
nice to get you at the core side.
we need more core minded people on this site.
I like that playing around with those kicks.
sounds clean .
keep it up.
duimpie in de reet jawel

CruizeOfFiction [be] - 16 years ago

thx ya'll^^

phollox [be] - 16 years ago

yeplaaaaa raven. Echt superdoopernice. I'm always in voor some frenchcore en alsk op mn bureaustoel aant wippen ben ist dik in orde. Feestje. Sound is vet en genoeg variatie om t interresant te houden. thumb up

Tjahzi [be] - 16 years ago

shit had hier nog nie op gecomment, mij ontgaan. strakke skijve dude!
really like yer bass sounds in yr music :)

Anonymous [be] - 15 years ago

vet bezig gast! :D

bij deze: kga nog is een hardcore/darkstep feestje organniseren in zottegem ma wel op een andere locatie

alst voor u dan past ette dan weer zin om te komen spelen?


CruizeOfFiction [be] - 15 years ago

bejoat kiekendroad

(u bent tbyacore?)

kinetickill [be] - 14 years ago

its more hardtek
i think
but nice song