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reaman - longing for home


Emotional song for me. Spending over a month allready watching over my sick child in hospital, i'm really longing for my home. Easy listening once again: an ambient build-up with some very nice satriani/vai-like guitars and minimal percussion.





Elkhor [be] - 20 years ago

Really good , yeah I like it a lot :)
Love the guitar , is that played or sequenced ?
Hope your child is healing now ;)

firefrog [be] - 20 years ago

i burned it already on cd==> that says something ;)

reaman [be] - 20 years ago

thanks for the comment - I'll have it played by a friend with some extra guitar licks and just a litlle harder but that's a future plan. For now it were just some very good samples that I edited (cut/past/time stretch stuff))a little to fit into the song. I was very proud about the song and to be honest...I was a bit surprised it took some time to have some comments. I'm very pleased now.

About my son: getting better and going back to our hometown hospital very soon. And then, in a week or two... back home!!! That's why I'm "Longing for home"

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Prachtige klank rustgevend maar ook danswekkend

Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

Diving into some of your older stuff again. Selected this one because of the title.
To be honest the intro is absolutely hidious in my view. It sounds a lot better combined with the pads and the toms. The intro didn't give me the longing for home feeling, rather was I thinking I was in a circus. So, I think it would be so much better to start with the pads, and then bring in that flute-thingy. I guess that would make much more sense.

reaman [be] - 17 years ago

Mmmh, I don't agree with you here. I understand that you say this after the first 20sec... but once you know what follows - the first part also sound sensitive.

(this song was written in a very emotional period... my sun still isn't cured - now three years later, tomorrow he will be hospitalised again in Gasthuisberg as no really working cure for his disease has been found yet. Spending time in hospital at the end of the year isn't fun...)

Rabauw [be] - 17 years ago

Hmm that's too bad, well anyway I wish you all the best for your son. May he recover swiftly!

EDIT: btw are the guitar tunes samples or self-produced sounds?