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reaman - little reminders


two parts, dreamy ambient with beats and faster part after halfway. Comments please.
Since there is a beat it shouldn't be filed under ambient but it's as close as it gets.





DJerem [be] - 19 years ago

Yes !!! it's nice !!! but with my sono i have a big saturation !!! i can't listen it with high volume !!!

but it's a cool track !!!

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

well i enjoyed this untill the piano woke me up,then the song looses it ...i dont know what;;cant explain;

i gues you want to be special,but for me a bit to special(with all kind of sounds),i would not call this ambient,cause there are some pads and its chill

i'm pleased you took more time,to work it out,and i must say 90 percent is very cool,awsome actually!!

my constructive comment would be,
keep everything,but the piano,do whatever ya want,but dont throw intruments on it(now playing the 2nd time,hehehe,and voted)
if this were me working this out,i would take your 1ste arpegio bazepatern,copying it to a other elektro sound,but double the speed;

anyway,untill now i think you created a good deeptech house base,so work that out,its realy good

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

Special & nice 'mood' into the song... Really dig those special processed fx sounds...I wonder how it would sound if there was more danceable punch in it...And I must agree on cestqui's argument bout the piano...Anyway...nice stuff!!

reaman [be] - 19 years ago

ok, will loose the piano, will try something out bout the bassline (cestqui) and will post it soon. thanx for the comments, any one else before i remix??? Any good advice is more than welcome.

AnaesThesiA [be] - 19 years ago

The piano is detuned compared to the rest, and is also too loud, so it comes out way to much, that's probably why it woke cestqui up :) Like you have put it here, it just doesn't fit in. After the piano part, i think the beat is taking way to much space and keeps getting your attention while you would like to enjoy the atmosphere more ( for ambient that is ).I hope you understand what i mean, coz' i know i'm pretty bad at explaining myself... Please encode in 128kbs or more next time! 64kbps really is too low! I think this track has potential, but needs some more work, which if i'm right you are gonna put into it ;)

reaman [be] - 19 years ago

yes, as you might have noticed i don't have as much time as would want to have, but when i get good constructive comments it gives me more energy to work things out. Since this is my first ambient track (although the second part isn't) i want to make something really good out of it. So yes, i'm going to have some time on this one. You'll see it when it's posted.
Thanks for the advice you all.

MarionXue [be] - 19 years ago

I so like the beat!
Since you already decided you're going to loose the piano, I won't be getting into that.
The beat after the piano part is really nice! Not ambient, but really nice! I kinda hope that you won't get rid of this beat, because it's so nice, together with alle the sounds! I Like it, looking forward to hear the final mix!

HarryPoppins [be] - 19 years ago

Nice warm soundz! In the second part i hoped for more little rythmik crackles.. like in minimal house and teckno ;)

Distreality [be] - 18 years ago

nice one....
more downbeat imo, but it's a good track

reaman [be] - 18 years ago

thx for the comments guys....
been while since someone commented this one....