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FabioPersonale - Seppuku 1


This song is dedicated to Roel G. known as DJ Jay Maze and before as B-Tek.
He was my partner in crime And we all will mis him R.I.P. ROEL Song was created in two days with a imac g5,Edirol FA101 and ableton Never worked before with ableton.
Electro Neo disco song with some melodies





DJerem [be] - 19 years ago

nice bass line !!!

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

my symphaties for your lost friend

you dident dishonor his name,realy good track;

loved the drums,just that bellsound is way too loud;but nice flow,acompagnied by many details;

a worked out song,well done


FabioPersonale [be] - 19 years ago

thanks c'est qui for condoling me and also for the critics on this song If you say it, it means a lot to me
I know about the beltones Heard when i've listened my song @ a friends' house. Got bad speakers for now :-(

Funky [be] - 19 years ago

My condolances to! It's never pleasant to loose a good friend. But I think it's really nice to honor him making a good song like this one... Melancholic mood is nice... Good Work! Grtz

101sonic [be] - 19 years ago

My condolances too. He will live with his musics. Respect.

FabioPersonale [be] - 19 years ago

thanks everybody 4 supporting me in this difficult time. We made some Tech house tracks together and we will make a record soon with some friends and Level jay/Dj Carbo. Normally nobody would have known that i was working on a tech house project because my love goes to Electro and Neo disco but the record will be released within 2 months(non for selling,just friends). Two songs of him and one we made with my hardware. Gotta sample everything and work it out in ableton.
Thanks Funky,C'est Qui and 101Sonic. He's a great loss for friends, family and me.

vanpet [be] - 19 years ago

it reminds me the OST of Midnight Express, it's good!

hysteresis [be] - 19 years ago

Cool italo disco influenced tracks !!


Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

Man, man,
I got the message yesterday 7-11-2005, it broke me. Someone so energetic...I knew him for a year at SAE, we sat it the same class in the Netherlands. My condolences to all friends and familly. Sad. Been thinking about it all day. R.I.P. Roel.

Jonathan Ramos

dynamik [be] - 19 years ago

hey dude... i also knew him... i was there at the bustru set his friends played in his place as a tribute... you'll probably be one of them ... RIP roel... anywayz to get back to the song... not my cup of tea but the mastering is good... sounds really powerfull... keep it up

FabioPersonale [be] - 19 years ago

Thanks dynamic for support And Thanks for comment about song He will never be forgotten.

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

teneerste,sorry voor het verlies van uw vriend ..woorden schieten tekort bij zo'n gebeurtenissen. Roel was een hele lieve,kende hem nog van vroeger.
iedereen die hem gekend heeft denkt er t zelfde over..heel veel geluk nog en sterkte!ook heel veel geluk nog met uw muziek, en remember:liefde is overal

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

hehe,t'is me eindelijkgelukt om t nummer te horen op mijn pc
ja,lekkere italodiscosoundjes door de diepte.
groet helena

francois [be] - 19 years ago

N.I.P. to say about your lost friend is your life... But the track is so good ! I go up in your playlist and it's became better. It's not mixed as well as "Where's Neo D." (for ex. the bass line and the rythm are a bit far, the keyboards are too presents and the kick too "close" after the middle of the track, if you pump it up in the mix it can be better and more dancing BUT it's maybe not your attempt.) it's just my opinion but i know that everybody (especialy you! ;) ) enjoy having feed back!

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Liefde is overal...ik dacht vadaag weeral roel...dit liedje...mmmmmm..peace