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komluv - ITechNoDrugs


I think that this is my best work i hope you'll like it.

Greetz KL





cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

it looks too me,you have a lot of diffrent sounds and melo's,that stand alone,and they come and go,no real theme,but the beat

i did not dislike any melo,stab,vocal;

just it aint the wright cake,to eat(insidejoke)

nice filtering though,watch your eq when filtering in low pass(reason);

anyaway,mixed feelings about it,but not bad at all


Funky [be] - 19 years ago

nice & fat!

tarentulla [be] - 19 years ago

I think, but it's just my point of vue... you start your song as a dj. slowly, jalously... but if you focus on the theme... for some of them... it will be...at the borderline from perfect land. Not far away from Perpèt land, my own country :) So, im def, no matters...