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hopper - love




MarX [be] - 21 years ago

euh... a joke I presume?

FlashyJ [be] - 21 years ago

I think.

hopper [be] - 21 years ago


edit: i retract my earlier comment, which means i didn't mean to call you idiots.

DJtjaalz [be] - 21 years ago

Mo joengen toch, ge suckt gewoon wi. Als da muziek is dan weet ik het ook niet meer hoor. IEDEREEN kan da maken weetjewel. Ooit van een beat gehoord of een melodie?

Stop me je belachelijkheden op deze site te zetten

gangreneproject [be] - 21 years ago

Translation: it sucks monkey-dick

there are only two explanations, or you're trying to fuck up the site, or you're a crazy junk


amorph [be] - 21 years ago

don't really see where u wanna come :/ ...
@ djtaalz : do you know what RESPECT means ????

quaint [be] - 21 years ago

lol, i like it, needs work but repetivness rules imho, for me this is music

DJtjaalz [be] - 21 years ago

respect is something you urn....

quaint [be] - 21 years ago

eum, this is getting out of hand, respect is something u urn????

imho respect is something u have tout court, it's not becoz u absolutely don't like something some'one created u have to be disrespectful, mods react

ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

art is always misunderstood i guess...
Reading the comments on this track kind of make me sad.. Their are always some "mauvaises langues" i guess..
But this track is less a joke than a couple of things that are appearing on the site ... (ref: bogus bargains etc..)
I was probably the first one to hear this track when it appeared on the site... i do admit i rolled my eyes, 'cos this is not my cup of tea, same goes for most of the trance and techno stuff, but because i don't catch the drift doesn't make me post insulting comments.
Maybe hopper's song has something hidden in it ... maybe analysing the song in FFT might reveal something, maybe it's a private joke, maybe he was drunk out of his mind, i don't know, who cares, he decided to broadcast this, that's his problem.
DJTaalz comment makes me mad ... besides the fact that it's in dutch, it's insulting, degrading, and totally untrue (did you listen to other hopper tracks ?), gangreneproject did his share too....
I don't want to start having to run a censorship team on e-bel ... because i believe in a sportive spirit .. .we're all in the same shit pple, fight the common enemy !

If you want to lead private wars, that's none of my business, but don't do it on here.

note to hopper: you could give more explanation on this >>weird<< track :)
djtaalz : expecting a public excuse from you ... (you can do it in here)

i wanna keep an artist profile in this community, please don't make me have to act as some kind of law enforcement ...
i believe in the utopic principle of anarchy, where a community can live and grow without the need of leadership ... RESPECT YOUR MATEZ. we're all artists here, let's be friends

hopper [be] - 21 years ago

thank you zark for clearing the air. first of all, i would like to point out that this song is filed under experimental, meaning, it's meant to sound 'wrong', to make the listener think about what music is, what it can or cannot be, and in this specific case, to explore the depths of sonology in a minimalist manner. then i see a comment like "this isn't music", or "where's the melody" and i get slightly angry over such ignorance with someone who loves music so much that he wants to make it himself.

I am ofcourse only an amateur, so to say it in tjaalz' words: this sucks, but -and this might surprise you dj's- there are people who make this kind of music for a living, moreover, who are famed as being brilliant innovators. There is more music than popmusic. It might be avant-garde, intellectual bullshit, but i like it.


ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

i'd also like pple to read this : [url=http://www.azstarnet.com/~solo/4min33se.htm] 4 minutes 33 by John Cage[/url].
which is an article about John Cage's 4"33 of silence..

promise you'll read !

for the lazy ones, here's a couple of quotes ..
Why would anyone write music in which nothing is performed? Some people assume that Cage did it to shock. Others regarded it as a deliberate affront or insult, either to the audience or as an attack on music as an art form. Still others thought it was the act of a fool, a charlatan, or that it was too easy. But, with a thoughtful examination of Cage's motives, one finds that none of these is correct.


amorph [be] - 21 years ago

"i believe in the utopic principle of anarchy, where a community can live and grow without the need of leadership ... RESPECT YOUR MATEZ. we're all artists here, let's be friends"
that's just why i wrote this ...

ZARk [be] - 21 years ago

didnt say you did anything bad :)

gangreneproject [be] - 21 years ago

it's not that i don't respect hopper, it's just that i don't see the point of his music. Also, i can't delete my comments, and there are so many because the send button didn't work immediatly so i got nervous and pressed it repeatedly...

MarX [be] - 21 years ago

Ok, first of all, this track ain't my cup of tea, aight! but u did know that.

Now: I wanted to react on the litlle disagreement here. I understand the point of DJTaalz, cos I have the same point of view (only I am not dissin ;-) ) but when I saw what Hopper had to say, I have to admit I appreciate the nihilistic concept behind the tune. So rezpect for that (even if he calls us idiots, who cares).

Oh, and I said it was a joke, well that's just because I think it's sounding cheap/onedimensional, cos' in fact I dig ambient/experimental stuff, but m8 check aphex 'Selected ambient works 2', and u'll hear what I mean (no beats like here and unbelievable soundscapes).

So, that's my point of view, but hey don't shoot me ;-)
PS like the philosopher Kant said ;-) u can't argue about taste, u just can fight about who has the right taste. He means -off course- that in the end taste is a personal matter, no objective rules.

Rezpect to all producers/dj's out there!

hopper [be] - 21 years ago

zark: nice that you mentioned 4m33s, it's essential.
marx: i edited the idiots comment, that was wrong. ofcourse i know saw2, a great example, but i was aiming even a little bit further (and also, afx is considered a musical genius, so his music's supposed to be better). and on a final note, i'd like to paraphrase (the original) marx (and also adorno and horkheimer) who said that art (music) has to sound weird to show the people their alienation and that they are living in a false consciousness.

and that's absolutely the last i have to say about this.

foeke [be] - 21 years ago

I'm apparently a little too late too participate in this discussion :)

Well, it just makes me sad to see so many ignorant people with a narrowminded vision concerning music... i've heard tons of crappy music in my life, while the producers really thought they made something brilliant. When I hear samples used in a commercial, non-creative way, it just makes me sick.

Hopper is acting on a whole other level. One can say: it's easy to make music like this, every child with a synth can produce these tones... That's where you're wrong.

It's not the fact of making this music, it's the idea, the invention, and Hopper pointed it out, there are people who make this sort of music for a living...

The meaning of this song still remains a quest, only Hopper knows (or doesn't know) it.

But I'd like to stress the following point: music doesn't always have to sound like conventional music to be music... music is more than just a melody, it's a feeling, an emotion, it can raise questions and solve problems.

And remember this: when Prince performed as an opener for a Rolling Stones concert mid seventies, Mick Jagger found him in crying in the toilet because he was laughed at and people didn't understand what his music....

I'm not saying Hopper will become the next Prince, but he sure has the sexual capacities....

DJtjaalz [be] - 21 years ago

Sorry dudes. I didn't knew it was such a big deal for u.
Ow yes Zark : I'm sorry to set my comment in Dutch , I just forgot. But do you have something
against dutch? That wouldn't be cool ;-) If you set your comment in French pas de problemes mon ami. :-)

DJerem [be] - 19 years ago

Your corespondant must be absent for the moment !!! please try again !!! lol

what for a track !!! lol


HarryPoppins [be] - 19 years ago

hehehe! i read all comments before listening, and it just made this song very funny!
were you testing your new synth? HAHAHAHA :))

SCUM [be] - 18 years ago

idd....applaus....the funniest thing on electrobel...damn...

adio [be] - 18 years ago


Skip [be] - 17 years ago

hey, do you know Ryoji Ikeda?
and may I strongly suggest the Dataplex and Matrix albums.
Extremely minimalistic,but more full than this track.
I mean minimalistic in the use of sound.
He mostely uses (in those 2 albums I mentioned) sounds with verry verry low and verry high freq.
Really inspiring and other-worldly.

And about all these first comments,I would think "those are people who dont want/need something totally different in music." you know?
I also do some big experimenting (check my "arlack" track)
Plus ,experimenting is imo the biggest "key" to inovative music.
So, respect


SylvaindeMerode [be] - 17 years ago

hahaha...remember my job, the line is busy :)

Varanof [be] - 17 years ago

n'importe nawak