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yenneman - Seconds


There's something wrong with this song, I don't know what...mixed feelings about it. It's probably waaayy too repetitive. I still haven't got my new headphone, so the sound is a big question mark to me...

I'm also not too sure if it fits this category...

Voor ons Saartje :)





Metatron [be] - 19 years ago

Sounds strange. Like an attempt to mix first-wave industrial and...
new-age electropop ?

boy [be] - 19 years ago

I like this! to me it sounds quite poppy but in a good way. although i think you might be right about it being a it to repetitive sometimes... maybe if you could make a bit more variation in the pianno part...don't know...yet definately a blend of sounds i like!!!

FabioPersonale [be] - 19 years ago

It doesn't what style This comes from the hart And that's what matters. The only thing you've said A little repetitive and your end mastering I can follow you on that matter.

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Nice overall atmosphere. Snare drum is a wee bit too loud imo. An enjoyable wintery electro tune.

Bigren [be] - 19 years ago

man i love that song!

Carbura [be] - 19 years ago

The sounds are good! The snare is too loud indeed, but hounostly, I noticed cause of rabauw his comment.

The song istelve is good, nice intro. Spend some more time on it. More variation in the piano and a climax. The chords you are using suite very well for a nice warm and dreamy melody. (with the piano)

Have fun!

Psychobass [be] - 19 years ago

well, to be honest guys ... this is not to repetitive 2 me ... in fact it isn't repetitive at all, maybe the basic of the track ... but the slight variations are keeping my attention focusd ... i like this track very much, because it's so sensitive, it's in a way very subtle and the very analyzed soundz are as clear as water ... good producing m8 ...

ps: sometimes tracks that are repetitive stay in the head, and this one is a keeper, that's what i mean ... it's a good melody/feeling, so why don't use it as it should be ... btw i'm a techno freak , maybe that's way i like repetitive things

grtz B

neofuturist [be] - 19 years ago

i dig this !! very nice ... for me it s not too repetitive ...

Falcon030 [be] - 19 years ago

nice relaxing track nice sounds and piano

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

nice song its rings in my body
geert from swimming-pool lokeren

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Nice, like it! Sounds fresh! Love the piano! Mmmmmm...

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

this is so nice ! For someone with no knowledge of notes etc... even for someone who does actually... This is awesome !