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Fractional Distillation - Zeolite Process


Well, we're back...this is the new track from Nick B (Psychobass on ebel) & Yenneman. Somewhat different from our previous one, more variations, more blending of miscellaneous styles (touches of electro, industrial and other)...we tried making something overwhelming, haunting, yet danceable.

Sound should be acceptable :D.

We're also trying to correct the flaws from our first cooperation song, remixing and making it a bit shorter...more will follow.

Happy listening!
Greetz Yenneman & Nick B





Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Ooh that kick drum is fat! Really well-produced.
The break around 1:15 is great, really love the atmosphere this song has.

I wonder how it would sound if you'd play the lead melody through a distorted guitar...? ;-) I think it would sound massive. I personally don't like the cutting edge on the main synth now, is it a saw synth you've used?

This is finally a song that works towards a true climax. Damn, fucking great. I've heard lots of songs lately on Ebel, but most of them have no deeper vision. But halelujah... finally a song that knows where it's going, that keeps a listener's attention, breaks, transitions and changes coming in at exactly the right moment. And damn, that climax melody really dragged me down the stream...! I remember your first collaboration was rather poor, but damn, you guys have grown and teamed up for something great.
I think we can expect some great things from the two of you if you guys keep going on like this!

Once more: great track, loved it! Massive improvement from the first F.D. track.

kaoz [be] - 19 years ago

i even had an 80's flashback, cool!

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Was this made with Reason or FruityLoops? I have to say sometimes it sounds kinda reasonish...?

yenneman [be] - 19 years ago

Fruity Loops pur sang... :)

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Djeezes kerel, dees is anders wel e verslavend nummer. Can't get that trancy melody out of my head :)

TranceBoy [be] - 19 years ago

Fatt Bassline , like it.
Great kick, jezus !!

Sound really harmonic , great well fitting elements and leads.

Nice Production,
Altough not my kind of genre.

Anyway , addicting.

reaman [be] - 18 years ago

man, you've grown!

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

this is good stuff !

Psychobass [be] - 18 years ago

Thnx for the nice commentz, this summer we will bring some new work on electrobel!

The Greenhouse effect will also be updated, it sounded a bit 2 dark, it was boring, but that's gonna change!

C ya soon! Grtz B! (member of FD)

TheFluff [be] - 18 years ago

nice nice nice :)