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theyeti - Sunday Afternoon


this is my first song ever with fruity loops 5!
kinda simple but whatever, i tried to put a 'sunday afternoon- feeling' in the song(2nd part is more sunday evening) :p

hope u guys like it :)

comments are welcome!



theyeti top 5:




stryder [be] - 19 years ago

it would be funny to comment on this for real...
cut back on the presets and learn to use monitor and comps

Mindsystem [be] - 19 years ago

You should add some little sounds in the background to make it more complete.
I think you should use vst there are better sounds of synth with vst! your kick isn't heavy enough.
I think you can arrange also the melody because there are some part of the melody i don't like (it's my taste, don't change ti if you like it like that ;-)). but continue to make track and you'll progress :-)

theyeti [be] - 19 years ago

thanx for comments :)
yeah I think maybe I should spend more time on the song bcause I finished it in less than 2 hours, and thats to fast isnt it lol :d

ps: I dont know how exactly everything works in FL, have to figure that out first ;)

Mindsystem [be] - 19 years ago

2 hours ... sometimes it's the time I need just to find a good melody ;-) .
yeah spend more time in it it would be better ! good continuation

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

hehe toch wel goe om rap ineengeflanst te hebben.... greetz

Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago

mooi zo moarten,driewerf hoera voor moarten

Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago

Okay first up: NEVER use those standard claps from the soundbank, try to use nastier ones. If there's anything that gets on my nerves, it's the standard claps!!! :)

Bassline in the beginning is quite cliché and stereotype too. Production quality leaves much to be desired. Sound picture is too thin, mix isn't balanced.

Synths are cool, quite okay for trance music. Melody ain't that wonderful but your synth sound is good.

I don't mean to be unkind at all, but the whole of this song really reeks of a beginner. Don't take this as only a negative comment on your work, but it's so easy to tell you were kind of short on ideas that make a difference.

The build-up and structure aren't too bad actually, but you could spice up the mix a lot by adding some elements here and there. A few twists and turns in your sound picture. Don't be afraid to experiment or go beyond the genre's boundaries... play around with filters, pitch wheels, fx devices,... Take your time to explore. Like you said yourself, you have to figure out how everything works first, before actually 100% concentrating on the production process only.
Like I already said, I don't mean to be unkind at all, but a song like this can't be produced in 2 hours and still actually be good. I have to add that I'm not that much of a trance specialist either, but I can discern between experience and beginner.
Once you've grown more into producing, I'm quite sure you can make a kick-ass track of this, becos it does contain some good things.

Take your time to explore, and you'll end up with something great... Good luck hunting!

theyeti [be] - 19 years ago

@rabauw: I AM a beginner so no problem mate :)
anyway tnx for comment dude, loved reading it :d