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Kwen & luna - Loki


Not really IDM
Not really Trip Hop
Not really Electro ...

So it is experimental

Loki = Snow in japanese ;)



Kwen & luna top 5:




MekaS [be] - 18 years ago

Congratulation !
I think music colaboration is really enjoyable only when its sincerely made... so, long life to your common sparks ;-) !

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Just to let you know, Loki is also the Trickster God / Lord of Mischief in Scandinavian mythology.

As for the mix: the sound spectrum is filled up well. From the dominant (malström?) synth & piano to the little fuzzy effect in the background, filling up all empty spaces. Which is a good thing, gives some depth to the mix.

Musically however very repetitive. The track desperately needs some variation. The same melody over and over, I basically here only 1 idea, and all the rest are additives, and only that. It's almost easy to get fooled, because the general structure and builds are good, and also the song is rather short, leaving few time to actually realize there's a lack of variation.

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

you are certainly right rabauw about the repetitiveness ... we were maybe too "taken" in this melody which we both liked ... we'll try to have a second view ... ;)


MekaS [be] - 18 years ago

i agree with rabauw, a lot of people (really to much) make 1 or 2 harmony, with a 4 or 8 beat melody (not really the case here but no so far)... We want more and we can all do more...just taking time... Death to the copy/paste satisfaction !!!! (and i repeat, not really the case here, but not so far)

Bedlam [be] - 18 years ago

I'm don't completely agree with Rabauw and mekaS.
I think you should keep the song on 1 melody but add some extra structures to it...
There should be more things you only hear once or twice in the song which are details that cover up the repetitiveness cuz at about 1:50 it starts to feel a bit the same

I think you should keep the same sequence but add some details that make it more interesting :)

keep up the good work !

is this a piano sound from Reason ???????????? Cuz it's beautiful :)

Please keep working on this track !

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

yep bedlam, all home created ;)
except the piano off course which was taken from reason (and added some reverb to it)

The other little piano was made with a subtractor and a bit of scream on it.
There's a little LFO on it (but don't know all the properties by heart ;))

We'll try to add some sounds/variation ... I thought it was ok like that, but in fact it still needs a better work
thanks for your constructive com's !

luna [be] - 18 years ago

poy poy everybody :)

the reason why it's too repetitive, it's kwen, the hungry in the world, it's him, the cpe, it's him, the world war 2 it's him, and the first, we suppose,

seriously, he's very perfectionnist, and i broke my finger to make and remake ;( so we keep it like this because all of my finger are broken, and now, i'm tipping with my nose, so when my fingers'll getting better, we'll remake it ! ...and when kwen is back from war on vietnam...

KWeN [be] - 18 years ago

yeah i'm so perfectionnist that any change is wrong :/

I'll have to open my view

We'll continue that when i'm back from vietnam ^^

ROne [be] - 18 years ago

Yeah, relly good ;)

Anonymous [be] - 18 years ago

Very very good !!!!

edith [be] - 18 years ago

i like this a lot too ! perfect almost- end- of- the- winter mellow track ! :)

Doorchaser [be] - 18 years ago

Just a plain and simple but very meant NicE One!


brandtkalk [be] - 18 years ago

hehe an other one inclassable!
i'love that... as in a dream to the quest of an identity! innerspace or outersace? need just a little bit variations! good smoothy story! ;)

Akwalek [be] - 18 years ago

indeed verry cool sound. i never heard anything from you, but this is worthy to checkout the rest youve got for us...

Anonymous [be] - 17 years ago

Celle-ci est calme et reposante, du genre Cafe del Mar.