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Member since: 18 years
Last Logged in: 17 years


Profession: minimex-boy
City: bruxelles-schaerbeek
Age: 55 years
I Compose: chip-electro-crotte n roll-lo-fi
with: mini keybord,mini porte voix,jouets,midi-synth edirol PCR-30,percussion pad roland SPD-8
FL5,plug-ins ,sid softwares,wavelab4,plugins,...
I Play: mon corp nu plein de creme fraiche,mmmmm
with: sex toys


Total Posts: 11
Last Post: 18 years in Micropunk street
Total Comments: 200 (0/day)
Last Comment: 17 years in bajouk de laken
Listened by User: 429 (0.1/day)
Last Listened: 17 years @ BARNUM - swallow (live act)
Total Songs: 7
Listened: times (/day)


!!!AVIS IMPORTANT!!!MINIBOT ce divise desormais en 3

Minibot: pour les truc chiptune,micromusic
Chris denerf: pour l'electro trash concon lou-fi du cul
Super vilain:pour le hiphop loufoque

ici tout restera cependant sous le nom de minibot

minibot myspace: www.myspace.com/theminibot

Super vilain myspace:!en construction!

c.p.a.s industries,minibot,melodik pinpon,mammouth,...--->
[le site a ete hacké,bientot en reconstruction]

site chris denerf egalement en construction,ca va niker sa race...