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Funky - Melodic Square


Been busy again... Some melodic deep electro house?
Thanks for listening! Comments are more then welcome...





billydnice [be] - 18 years ago

Very great track, I like very much. Good work.

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

cool groove!

try to tweak the reeverb on the hats/snares so that it has more drumroom effect.perhaps that is my personal taste, but i quiet like the drums dry and clean you know what i mean?
The backgound pads are very nicely done, melodic work is again one of the best .I'm sure your future edits will make this sound typical <<funky>> again ;)
keep up!

bandarlog [be] - 18 years ago

Don't like everything about this song (the leads...) but I do like the strings & story! You should mix it a bit better. Bass & kick are too loud I think. Love to hear this one with a better mix.

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

@ Billy-The-Nice-Guy: Thanks again mate! Me likes that You like :)
@ Transint: Thanks man! You're right bout the snares...Way to dry...Should add some reverb... I hope I get thisone better...Lots off overlapping freqs that need cleaning up... Thanks again for listening!
@BandarBlog: I know what you mean...There's one leadsound that I find less in the meanwhile... And indeed..Been checking on other speakers...Strings are to silent..Drum & bass somewhat to loud... I'll do my best on the mixing but can't promise anything ;) Thanks a lot for the usefull tips! Grtz

AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

indeed nice track... and yes some sounds are a bit dry but the structure and composition is very nice.

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Well you said it yourself "lots of overlapping freqs that need cleaning up". Couldn't have said it better myself. It's indeed the main problem with this song.

The arrangement and from a melodic point of view it's great, it's just that everything seems to have been mixed at the same level. No clear distinction between front leads and backing arrangements. -----> sort it out, and give more low freq boost to the backings, and more treble/high freq mixing to the front melodies.

something which may also do the trick is pan your backsynths a bit more, if you have a stereo spread machine it might help too. Just some thoughts/suggestions he...

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks man! Indeed...I have to think more in terms of 'front-back'...Tend to push everything to the front...Guess I'm still experimenting to much with sound, without decently knowing what the hell i'm doing ;) Thanks for giving me directions man! Grtz!

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks Bram The Man! ;-)

bram [be] - 18 years ago

The lead in the beginning is very overwhelming. Bass sound is a bit weird at the beginning, but blends in nicely with the other sounds later on. Good catchy melody also, very spontanious feeling. good stuff!

AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago
