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Funky - Casino Royal


2nd Edit --> I didn't find the vocals I had in my mind...Something like ' I want your love - I need your love' that follows the tone & timing of the chords I play... If anyone feels the urge to sing? :)
I also found some new loops & variations, but I guess the structure of the track could use some improvements, I might pick it up later, but gonna leave it for a while now..
Was also wondering what you guys think of the mix?
Thanks in advance!

Discoverd Ableton for the first time..
I think I'll have fun with it :)
This is some house with some electrosounds & synths?
Anyhow..its a tryout..still need to add/correct things.. Will add a vocal that goes along with the filters also... thusfor--> under construction --> meaning..

Suggestions = more then welcome...

Isn't the bass to loud? The sound a bit OK?
Casino Royal because I just saw the new Bond film & it wasn't that bad :)

Thanks for listening!





FabioPersonale [be] - 18 years ago

i like where you're going to Nice idea and track But as you said yourself i would keep the back bassline a little more in the back and upfront the rest a bit I'm curious after finished version

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks man! I wonder how I get that bass more in the back when I open the lowpassfilter all the way... Or do you mean that you like to hear it more without the filter opened up? Now I have to look for a suiting vocal..Won't be easy...Cheers!

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

i'd introduce the vocals with a reeverb with lots of room on it.
funky leads, those are very cool
also great work with those pads man!
couple of edits will make this track very nice sounding i'm sure ;)


Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks mate! I'll give that a go..I know how I want it in my head..Now I have to make it come out of the computer :) Grtz!

AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

nice nice... very groovy track...

READYdot [be] - 18 years ago

Me likes it very mucho!!! Is that you playin'the guitar?

misstrohan [be] - 18 years ago

damn, again a fuuuuuuunkyyyyyy song you've made :) like it

Swan [be] - 18 years ago

excellent production and nice track

im not too conviced by the filter on the beat in the beginning though, afterwards its ok

i would also try different combinations of the vocal bits, meaning rearranging them in a different way through the song otherwise it gets a bit monotone. but you dont overuse it wich is cool.

bass isnt too loud ;)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

@READY. --> Muchos Graçias hombré ;) I wish it was me playing that funky guitar :) It's a sample, reworked, but can be better, I have extra's in my head that I can't get out of the sample for now...
@misstrohan --> Thanks mate! If I get the vocal right, I bet you gonna love it even more ;) ( I hope that is.. :) )
@Swan --> And a big thank you 2 you 2! You're right bout the filter on the beat.. Sounds crappy..I'm gonna try something more special/original..Good point! And i'm in favor bout your vocal suggestion..Was kinda planning that, but it's quite difficult in ableton..had to make different loops/cuts & then put follow actions from one bit to another..Might be an easier way, but haven't figured it out yet.. :-| I have to compensate my moni's a bit for bass, so thanks for telling it isn't to loud! Appreciate the tips! Grtz

firefrog [be] - 18 years ago

yess! you do great with ableton! i can't udge the sound, since i'm listening on cheap aldi-bokskes, but it sounds realy nice an fonky :))

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

this sounds good to me not much to say couldn't do it better myself.some synths sound bit less good, but you're improving and i can hear that.
so i'll say it again... outstanding track!
it's typically you and i like the style ;)
big up!


Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks mate! :) Yea...Mastering/Mixing is a bitch :)

adrenalin [be] - 18 years ago

sounds like les rhytmes digitale cool disko funk eighties track! great wirk ~.:('-'):.~.:('-'):.~

stryder [be] - 18 years ago

fatte shjt!! lekker af!

reaman [be] - 18 years ago

only thing i would change is make a fade in on the guitar in the beginning instead of starting a top volume

i liked the way you played with it cuz at first i thought: if he's going to use that sample throughout the song it's going to be boring... now it isn't, far from...

top notch work again - as we're used to get!

to me it's bit too long

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks guys! In particular @Reaman -> I put some more work in thisone indeed..Tried to variate & search for combinations...Ain't 'finished finished' yet though.. I'll have to sort it out one day... Grtz & thanks for the feedback!

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Funky goes disco! ;)
With the guitar it really feels like disco for me, I guess that would fit James Bond too maybe :)

I have some difficulties with the vocal slices, sometimes they sound adequate but on other moments they almost make me wanna press stop cos they are so nerve-wrecking. Especially in the beginning, before any other melody came in I thought they were horrible.

Didn't really like it that much, guess maybe it sounds too 'old' for my taste, or too cheap I dunno. You sure have better tracks online pal. Not my thing this one.

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Ha :) No problem man... I know this track could be so much better, but I ain't getting it right... Appreciate your honesty! Grtz

Tesh [be] - 18 years ago

=> If anyone feels the urge to sing? => dear funky, I would love to sing, but I don't think that my voice is going to give your song what it needs :)

vivian [be] - 18 years ago


AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

nice production...
I like the bass guitar veryyyy .....


misstrohan [be] - 18 years ago

just like i said before... ain't it time to search aa label :)

and a female singer :p

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Female singer , yes!! :) A label..don't think i'm there just yet ;) But I thank you for the wonderfull comments :) Grtz

transynth [be] - 16 years ago

nice tunes, thought it was about time to get some funky stuff out of these monitors :d tracks genoeg om af te werken e ;)