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Funky - La Musica
Ello...Tried some things with Reason in rewire...Rex refills etc.... Feel free to leave any comments.... Olé ;-) GrtzSuggestions
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misstrohan [be] - 19 years ago
olééé :)
reaman [be] - 19 years ago
always HQ
loved it from the beginning till... well, not till the end... i had it around 4.30
(maybe because it's winter now)
Anyway, classy production
Ruby [be] - 19 years ago
Tesh [be] - 19 years ago
Funky [be] - 19 years ago
@Reaman --> Thx a lot man! :) I do my best ;) I know what you mean near the end...Needs some more structure or something...Kinda to much the same & that piano at the end could come a bit louder.. Remarkable how the sound of the mp3 sounds different from my actual cubase output...but hell yea.. Work in progress ;-) Grtz!
@Ruby: Thanks anyway man! ;) Grtz
@Tesh: Shake...shake...shake! ;) I'm glad you like it...Grtz
Tesh [be] - 19 years ago
cestqui [be] - 19 years ago
1ste,the reverb on the vocal seems to start before the vocal,it makes it very blury;
the bazeline is so dry,i compare it to the kurk on a bottle of wine;
the total volume is clipin(although its due to streamin),but at same time the overal frequincies are down in the low area;
its just those, that makes a song clip,but they arent there,and still clip(nearclip)
i can hear where ya wanna go,and thats cool,every note is the wright one;
but normaly,a houseproduction would jump me out of my chair,due to dynamics.....this aint;
its time you throw that audigi away,i think i know whats the prob in your exports(driver),certainly in rewire;
the asio driver from creative suckkkks!!!
FabioPersonale [be] - 19 years ago
Keep it up
about mastering you know it yourself
Rabauw [be] - 19 years ago
aphone [be] - 19 years ago
Anonymous [be] - 19 years ago
Funky [be] - 19 years ago
@cestqui: i'm gonna throw my desktopspeakers together with my audigy out of the window..... My speakers are crappy....Did some tests and I sure have to get them moni's rather sooner then later.... Been spending so much time on 'tweaking' sounds and the later they sound all crappy on other stereo's/speakers... Thanks for the advice on everything mate! Grtz
@FM7: Thanks! Glad to hear the idea is liked...good mastering does the track a lot of good...I hope I'll get there with it...Grtz!
@Aphone: Commercial... I hope ;) Not that that was the purpose.... Bout that guitar sound...I guess it's not the only thing that sounds ' a bit strange' ;) I have much work to do on the mastering... And me smoking to much...Man, how do u know? Where's your hidden camera? :D Muchos gracias homie! :) Grz
@ Rabauw: I know what you mean Rabauw....First part is a 'wannabe buildup' & I've put a stupid empty part in the beginning 'to mix it with a previous record'..I guess it's still a bit to empty :) Thanks for pointing that out! And thanks also for the rest of the feedback! Grtz!
Cameron [be] - 18 years ago
Funky [be] - 18 years ago
Brom [be] - 18 years ago
Funky [be] - 18 years ago
misstrohan [be] - 18 years ago
Kyran [be] - 18 years ago
Very nice track. I'm not into digital trumpets, but the melody makes up for it. I don't suppose you know a mariachi band you can record? ;)
Got to dj at a latin/worldmusic party in a few days, going to sneak this one in my set.
The only thing this needs is good mastering to be released imo
Funky [be] - 18 years ago
Indeed, not to fond of those digitrumps either...Don't know any mariachi band unfortunatly :)
Problem with this track is that my reason file kinda got 'stuck'... Really need to clean it up & remove what's saturating my ram/cpu... Dunno how the heck i've managed to do it...
I'll try & see what I can do :) I'd be honoured if you'd spin/mix it :) I'll let you know ;)
Grtz & thanks ombré! ;)