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Funky - Voyage


-->V2.1: Lowered the bassline, changed/corrected the melody of that bassline..Some extra percussions etc... Was mixing the track & due to lack of cpu/ram powa i'm stuck with this for now... I'd like to have some feedba(d)(ck) of the mix because I did it differently this time...Mixed it on my different internal busses & recorded the whole with my other pc through the headphones output of my soundcard...

-->V2: Changed the bassline, added some elements, this one's going more into the right direction, but isn't quite there yet... Has become more 'disco' then House for now... There are no samps in this one..Even tried to program the funky guitar myself...They could turn out better imho...Thanks for commenting/listening!

-->V1: Rough sketch/idea...

Kinda makes me think of chill loungey deephouse from joey negro or dimitri from paris (...if I may say so ^^).....bit disco influenced and some other influences also..

You may be the judge :) This thing is heavily under construction so comments are MORE then welcome...
I hope you guys like where I'm going to....





transynth [be] - 18 years ago

i allways enjoy your rough ideas ;) Nice chords, the saxes fit the concept very well...wow me digs the track at 2.05!!! :)) really nice there...
my one and only important comment: make the bassline phatter, and perhaps work out the intro a bit more...Apart from that, top track for sure!! Grtz

LittleOnion [uk] - 18 years ago

some good groundwork here

bass comment - probably right

a bit phatter


AudioCrack [be] - 18 years ago

Some clean smooth instrumental house ...
Like the beat effects and structures
indeed maybe a deeper bass.. heavyer

nice ;)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks fellas! I knew the basssound wasn't good :( Can't seem to tweak a basssound correctly inhere...yet... :)
Gonna try and work it out a bit more...Structure wise & instrumental wise...I want some trumps in it :) Thanks for the motiation guys! Grtz

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks for the thumb down without motivation GAZAA...you're really helpfull...

adio [be] - 18 years ago

liked it .. vivid sounds!, above are right about the bass but I see you already noticed it yourself, greetz :)

stryder [be] - 18 years ago


Kyran [be] - 18 years ago

I quite liked this one, but I'd go for a deeper (sub)bassline. Also try to get your beats a bit more groove, maybe use some 808 samples or something. I also don't like digital brass sounds, but that's just personal taste.
Overall good feel though :)

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

**downloaded** ;)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks fellas! I'll try and lower that bassline...and put some extra work in that beat/rythm...Also need to variate more & maybe give those brass a somewhat more vivit melody... I think the brass don't sound that digital, or is that me & my goesting(taste) ? :) Many thanks! Grtz

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

The bassline feels really awkward and out of tune at steps 11 and 12 (in 16 measures), think you got to fix its melody there. You had the right idea and vibe for it, but in the implementation there seems to have occurred an error ;) Really sort of breaks the groove on those notes.

As for structure and melodic-wise I find it an atypical Funky song, which is nice for a change. Nice high-pitched chords. The bassline ruins it however for me.

vivian [be] - 18 years ago

I really like it but the sound of the bass is still a lil to plastic for me ;) anyhow, very well done!
I really like the rhodes

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

You guys are right...Bassmelo should have that consistent rythm, no good to loose the groove ;) And the sound of it can improve a lot indeed... I'll certainly pick it up! Thanks for the help fellas! Grtz

transynth [be] - 18 years ago

yes nicely cleaned up and all ;) balanced even better, although your bassline still may have a litlle more bass...but nice production and on my harddisc for sure ;) Grtz

Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

Ha nicely cleaned up. The bassline itself is alright now, but now I'm having difficulties with the picked bass... I liked the previous bass sound better ;) Well just a matter of taste of course.

For the rest I'd like to repeat my previous comment, atypically Funky for a change.

Brom [be] - 18 years ago

nice tune man ;-)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks menne! Yeah, bassound isn't top..I kno..it's difficult dedju ;)

Scootchy [be] - 18 years ago

hi Funky! yep problem to accept the bassline when it starts.. but later it's efficient. I would like it more "fusioned" with the rest...
you know the problem... otherwise, well done, good construction and melody... ;o)

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Hi Scootchyman! :) I like basslines, but basslines don't like me that much ;-) I'll take a look at it & see how to try an unfuck it up :) Thx for the tip! Grtz!

Musselman [be] - 18 years ago

I trully enjoy the track.
Well I am a 70's & 80's funk/disco fan.

Nothing to say on the instru maybe give the bassdrum some more depth and presence.
The ending is also a bit brutal.
+ I agree with previous coments on the bass. It's not the line that I dislike but the sound of it...

At last I'll defenitly add some voice. Some kind of Prince way of singing or a afro-american touch.

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Thanks man! A funk/disco fan..as am I :) About the bassline...I should pick up some reading bout mastering them decently b-cause I kinda never works out in my tracks...So you're right, as are the others :) Still search'n for a good vocal on it...but none found till now... Thanks for commenting/listening! Grtz

Pirate [be] - 18 years ago

pro sound! great track!

Funky [be] - 18 years ago

Arr..thanks mate! Still..bass could definetly be better... Grtz!

owen [be] - 17 years ago

now this i like verrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy mutch ! so smooooooth man!
it made my day this tune mister funky! i really enjoyed this moment!
plus favs and a meggga thums up tou you!
:) :) :) :)

Funky [be] - 17 years ago

Thank you very much man! I should retake thisone & clean out the bass & put some little variation or vocal in the intro part... Your comment also made my day ;) Grtz man!

cestqui [be] - 17 years ago

hoi mate,i m just here for 1 night checkin out the deephoudesection...happy to c your still in bisness.

i recognize this tune from some msn sesion,its painfull to see that some users use language out of their league,it dident make sense to me...i think its just ...goood

nice one,cheers

Funky [be] - 17 years ago

Thx man! Nice to see you here again!! Hope you'll get back one day!! Grtz

felixjd800 [it] - 17 years ago

nice.... :)