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AnaesThesiA - Bruxelles-Midi I


Yeah, i know i've put number II in the electronica section, but i really think this one doesn't sound like electronica. Still, it's all computer, so ... we'll just say it's contemporary :)





reaman [be] - 20 years ago

Am i the first one to notice this is a very beautifull song???? At 1' I closed my eyes, at 2' I got in some subconscious state of mind floating over some peacefull landscape and .... landed very hard at 6'01 when that ennoying little sound comes in. Should have stopped with one final piano stroke at 6'. Very well done!!! Will listen to the other Bruxelles-midi songs too later.
I just typed this phrase to have this comment back on top of the list and give this song perhaps a second life.

Stakha [be] - 19 years ago

right !
the first thing is to close the eyes. then travel.....
damn where i am ?
anyway i want to stay...
more please
big up

amorph [be] - 19 years ago

nice one ;)

Doorchaser [be] - 19 years ago

The next few days I'm gonna listen to the other five and if they please me as much as this one They're all in my favorites!!