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AnaesThesiA - Human Psychology IV
It's about a feeling inside i never quite managed to explain in words... So this song is about a certain atmosphere more then anything else.It's meant to sound muffled and dusted. In the end, i guess it's all about how eventually everything always seems to fade away. And about the inability to deal with that fact, and not being motivated enough to really find a way of dealing with it. I think Robert Smith came pretty close to putting it in words in The Cure's 'Fear of Ghosts', when he sings the lines 'And the further i get from the things that i care about, the less i care about how much further away i get'. Yeah... must be something like that. Anyway, it's all pure human psychology... :)
AnaesThesiA top 5:
Human Psychology VI -
Cymbal Symphony -
Blue Sunday -
Bruxelles-Midi I -
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