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luna - Kissin' revolution


i believe in candies, lollipops, birds in the sky, in magic, in love.

and you, do you believe in me?






Rabauw [be] - 18 years ago

The style is very much alike to your "hot date" song, and also a bit in the vein of your first upload. You have a fine eye for experimentalism, but I'm getting the impression it's resulting in almost the same outcome with every song. Not that it's difficult to discern between the tracks, but the styles, composition methods and general atmosphere really reek of the same spirit. So I can only suggest to try to get a different approach on how to produce a song. These sort of "semi-improvised" experimental compositions are nice but they do sound akin to each other, in the end I fear you'll run out of enough ideas that make a difference. So take your time to explore.... You're obviously on the right path, but don't get lost in the forest of creation....something that happens to a lot of people.

luna [be] - 18 years ago

i think it's the best thing someone said me about my music. i ll follow your words mister rabauw ^^


FabioPersonale [be] - 18 years ago

Damn you hit the spot Rabauw I know what you mean But sometimes i have the same thing that i have the feeling to make 'almost' the same song I think this happens when you really let your heart speak when you make music. I can be wrong offcourse :-)

ReftsidelighT [be] - 18 years ago

very cute song.. is it your voice? grtz

PsyAviah [be] - 18 years ago

Again, nice melody, good idea!
I agree wih rabauw.
What are your musical influences luna?

subaltern [be] - 18 years ago

nice mood, i imagine me very young and dancing on forest.., thats my favorite..;)

Doorchaser [be] - 18 years ago

Nice one!

I understand what Rabauw wants to say, but I do wish to add that the Idea behind a song is the thing that has the most influence on the outcome. It's... the feeling you have when you're making a song.

f.i. You can have exactly the same melody, phrasing, rhytm. etc.. but it still sounds different when you play it in a happy mood or in a melodramatic mood...

What I'm trying to say is that this song feels different for me so I can really hear it appart from the other ones and thats good!!

Apart from that you set a great ambience here love it!