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Color Artist Title Genre Age Action
rf061992 iL N'Y A PLUS DE SOLDAT Downbeat 2 years
rf061992 FREE Ambient 12 years
rf061992 JOKE Industrial 13 years
rf061992 MARS Industrial 14 years
rf061992 WARS Industrial 15 years
rf061992 NATH Downbeat 15 years
rf061992 FATS Electropop 15 years
rf061992 BLEU Ambient 15 years
rf061992 KNOB SoundTrack 15 years
rf061992 HURT SoundTrack 16 years
rf061992 ROND SoundTrack 16 years
rf061992 BIRD Remixes 16 years
rf061992 CH02 Dance n Rock 16 years
rf061992 FOIN SoundTrack 17 years
rf061992 MELO Electronica 17 years
rf061992 BRRR Drum n Bass 17 years
rf061992 GIRL SoundTrack 17 years
rf061992 MOON EBM 18 years
rf061992 ainsi vont les choses Industrial 18 years
rf061992 FOOL SoundTrack 18 years
rf061992 WEEK! Electronica 18 years
rf061992 FUCK Dark Contest 18 years
rf061992 LOVE Big Beat 18 years
rf061992 MIND Ambient 18 years
rf061992 D'UN HERO EBM 18 years
rf061992 TOUTES BESOIN EBM 18 years
rf061992 ELLES ONT EBM 18 years
rf061992 FEEL DARK EBM 18 years
rf061992 TINGWAPA4BDTK Industrial 18 years
rf061992 Tingwapapa Industrial 18 years
rf061992 Spirit of my mind dubstep 18 years
rf061992 "SHIT CONTEST" dire, dire, ... 2006 Shit Contest 18 years
rf061992 (Soundtrack contest) J'... SoundTrack 18 years
rf061992 Never Electropop 18 years
rf061992 Whale's Downbeat 18 years
rf061992 Délirium SoundTrack 18 years
rf061992 Vibration Electropop 18 years
rf061992 Horn Ambient 18 years
rf061992 one more Industrial 18 years
rf061992 Berceuse Experimental 18 years
rf061992 QUE FAUT-IL DIRE Ambient 18 years
rf061992 DO YOU WANT Nu-Jazz 18 years
rf061992 ::YAYAPOLIS:: Ambient 18 years
rf061992 ::VOICEPOLIS:: Ambient 18 years
rf061992 ::PEAULISSE:: Drum n Bass 18 years
rf061992 ::AMBIEPOLIS:: Ambient 18 years
rf061992 TECHNOPOLIS Techno 18 years
rf061992 G.W.Bush play with the world. Acid 18 years
rf061992 MANPOWER! Electropop 19 years
rf061992 Recycled Industrial 19 years
rf061992 FUNNY STORIES... Industrial 19 years
rf061992 Tout semble vouloir sauter Nu-Jazz 19 years
rf061992 My fun bass. HipHop 19 years
rf061992 Glasse's song 2006_Concrete_Contest 19 years
rf061992 Radiator's song 2006_Concrete_Contest 19 years
rf061992 Doucement je regarde Electropop 19 years
rf061992 Storm in my drink! Industrial 19 years
rf061992 tout ces bruits de métal Industrial 19 years
rf061992 Rapido EBM 19 years
rf061992 Je t'aime, 20 ans plus tard Industrial 19 years
rf061992 C'eta Industrial 19 years
rf061992 complètement à côté d'la pl... Experimental 19 years
rf061992 C'est pas mal mon amour Industrial 19 years
rf061992 C'est quoi l'amour Experimental 19 years
rf061992 Two the less after Electro 19 years
rf061992 Dans la vinasse la poisse Industrial 19 years
rf061992 Guitare hero Electropop 19 years