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Funky - Abstrakt Flavour


Hello all... Has been quite a while since I've posted anything...Been discovering some new software...This is made in cubase with some vst's...Wanted to make something clubby, but the melo's changed that a bit...I'd be happy to get some (positive) comments / feedback... It's kinda basic & there's room for much more in the song..but this is only a first edit... Hope someone does enjoy it...or at least the idea...





dynamik [be] - 19 years ago

real good melodic composition.. though i would add some more vartiety in the melody... very good basis for a killer track ... keep it up

cestqui [be] - 19 years ago

well,those lessons you took ,payed off wel ,in your quest for music, but there's one note that doesent fit the chord,told ya all ready how to solve that,i love the bleep'n sounds and the string,nice mastering,

you come along way,nice improvements since i known ya,eveybody needs some positif influences,and you still are one of e-bels finest people(user)and in the future certainly one of our best producers( in spee)


DJerem [be] - 19 years ago

!!! MMMmmm it's Funny and jazzy !!! i like it !!! Good melodic work !!!

good Job !!!
